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Facebook PPC Management Agency Services

Reach further with Facebook advertising with our Facebook management services.

Facebook ads agency

With almost 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook is still very much a hotbed for targeting the right audience and the perfect place to launch your adverts. We’ll help you tap into this audience through creating highly targeted and engaging Facebook campaigns which are designed to make sure you to reach the right audience at the right time; giving you an ROI-focused strategy and increased conversions.

Trusted by 100s of brands

Quality managed Facebook advertising services

Many businesses are interested in social advertising but don’t have access to the relevant skills, time or resources to create, launch and manage a full-scale campaign. We do. As a trusted Facebook advertising agency, our skilled PPC and social media experts will develop a Facebook advertising campaign built to suit your budget and designed with your business goals in mind.

As part of our Facebook marketing services, you’ll receive expert campaign management at every step of the process, including creating and optimising the FB ads, selecting the correct audiences to target and in-depth monitoring and reporting, keeping you up to date with all the latest performance results.

If you’d like to know more about how we can help with Facebook ads, contact Koozai today.

Target Facebook adverts at your desired audience

Even against the likes of YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, Facebook is still the king of social media platforms when it comes to monthly active users. This is because everyone from your friends to your grandparents are using the site. With all this in mind, it’s an ideal platform for you to advertise on. What’s more, because of the vastness of its users, you can target your audience specifically based on their activity.

If you want to target someone based on their age, gender, relationship or any other demographic for that matter, Facebook advertising is something we recommend you consider. You can even target friends of users who like your page for planting conversation starters and, of course, further reach.

Our services are rated over 4.5/5 on Google

Some of our Paid Social work and client testimonials

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Paid Search for Trulawn /

Growing leads with PPC for a leading artificial grass brand

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Paid Social for Holdcroft /

Taking leads into fifth gear with social media for the UK’s largest vehicle retailing group

These fantastic results required careful attention from both Koozai and Holdcroft, but together we smashed the brief and are delighted at what we achieved as a team.

Kelly-Anne CreanHoldcroft Account Manager


Ready To Start?

Our awesome team are here ready to strap a rocket to your digital marketing campaigns, so what are you waiting for?

We create cutting edge, award-winning digital marketing campaigns

Digital Marketing Audits

Are you a UK business that needs some expert help to uncover what’s holding your digital marketing back? Let us show you!


Call us on 0330 353 0300, email info@koozai.com or fill out our Contact Form.

Map of Hampshire Digital Marketing Agency
Hampshire Digital Marketing Agency
Merlin House 4 Meteor Way Lee-on-the-Solent, PO13 9FU, UK
Map of Lancashire Digital Marketing Agency
Lancashire Digital Marketing Agency
Cotton Court Business Centre Church Street, Preston Lancashire, PR1 3BY, UK
Map of London Digital Marketing Agency
London Digital Marketing Agency
Albert House 256 - 260 Old Street London, EC1V 9DD, UK

Unlike 08 numbers, 03 numbers cost the same to call as geographic landline numbers (starting 01 and 02), even from a mobile phone. They are also normally included in your inclusive call minutes. Please note we may record some calls.

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