Digital Marketing Glossary

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Words or phrases people enter into search engines to find what they’re looking for. It’s important that website copy includes keywords as this is what helps your audience find your website. There are both long-tail (longer phrases) and short-tail keywords (shorted phrases) which will be related to your products and industry, both types are important to optimise your site.

Keyword density

How often a keyword features on a specific page of indexable content. Ideally you want to use a keyword often enough that Google deems the webpage relevant for that search term, however overuse (or keyword stuffing) can have negative effects. It’s important to make sure the content makes sense and flows throughout.

Keyword research

When you research words which are relevant to your specific business and industry in order to identify themes, content gaps and areas of optimisation based on what people are searching for.

Keyword stuffing

An old SEO technique where keywords were ‘stuffed’ into a page’s content, footer, meta titles etc to try and gain an advantage in the SERPs. This can now harm your ranking so isn’t recommended.

Keywords tag

META tag used to help define the primary keywords of a Web page. Now mostly deprecated from search engines.

KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

A business will define its own KPIs based on the goals it wants to achieve. KPIs should be measurable, for example you may want to focus on increasing organic traffic or conversions over a certain time period.

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Map of Hampshire Digital Marketing Agency
Hampshire Digital Marketing Agency
Merlin House 4 Meteor Way Lee-on-the-Solent, PO13 9FU, UK
Map of Lancashire Digital Marketing Agency
Lancashire Digital Marketing Agency
Cotton Court Business Centre Church Street, Preston Lancashire, PR1 3BY, UK
Map of London Digital Marketing Agency
London Digital Marketing Agency
Albert House 256 - 260 Old Street London, EC1V 9DD, UK

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