Digital Marketing Glossary

All #0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U X


A status code indicating that a page loads normally and as it should.


A status code that flows link value from one page to another as a permanent redirect.


A status code which indicates a page has been temporarily moved to point to another page.


A status code that indicates a broken URL – oops.

500 (or 5##)

A status code that means there was an issue with the server response, and it was unable to load the page.

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Map of Hampshire Digital Marketing Agency
Hampshire Digital Marketing Agency
Merlin House 4 Meteor Way Lee-on-the-Solent, PO13 9FU, UK
Map of Lancashire Digital Marketing Agency
Lancashire Digital Marketing Agency
Cotton Court Business Centre Church Street, Preston Lancashire, PR1 3BY, UK
Map of London Digital Marketing Agency
London Digital Marketing Agency
Albert House 256 - 260 Old Street London, EC1V 9DD, UK

Unlike 08 numbers, 03 numbers cost the same to call as geographic landline numbers (starting 01 and 02), even from a mobile phone. They are also normally included in your inclusive call minutes. Please note we may record some calls.

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