Have you ever fantasised that you could fly? Ever wanted to be able to teleport somewhere in the blink of an eye? How badly have you wanted to be able to read people’s minds? I know that I’ve long dreamt of having all these powers, and more. That’s partly what led me to creating this infographic, detailing the Superheroes (And Villains, because where there’s good there must be evil) of SEO.
As SEOs, we’re faced with new and unusual trials and tribulations every day. From identifying and removing the seemingly constant stream of low quality links to helping webmasters stay afloat amongst the ever-changing algorithms of Google’s many updates.
With so much going on, I’m certain of one thing in particular, those who manage to continuously produce fantastic results in this world must have some kind of super power. Whether it’s the ability to create continuously awesome content or the know-how to craft ingenious tools that make everyone else’s life 10,000 times easier; the people mentioned within this infographic are most definitely the superheroes of the SEO world.
I’ve also taken a look at some of the villains who harm our industry and make doing SEO so much harder than it needs to be. However at the same time these villains force our heroes to ever higher places and make everyone try even harder to get the best results. We’ve not named the villains but for the heroes we’ve tried to name who we feel best embodies each role – although feel free to debate them in the comments.

These aren’t the only SEO superheroes (or villains) though, there’s plenty more all around you. Do you know of anyone you think should be proclaimed an SEO superhero? Or maybe you have a secret-super identity you’d like to reveal yourself? To find out about the heroes in hiding we’ve put together a quick survey where you can suggest who you feel fits the superhero roles below.
You can also discuss the heroes or suggest extra ones in the comments below.
Until next time,
The Tallest Man In Search
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