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The Importance Of Keeping Your Social Media Profiles Active

| 5 minutes to read

The importance of active Social media accountsFollowing on from our blog post where on the core components of Social Media strategy, today I will take a closer a look at why it’s important to keep your Social Media accounts active and the benefits you can gain.

However, before I start there is one thing your business needs know – there are no shortcuts to regular Social Media activity and you will need to allocate time and money in order to succeed in today’s Social Media community. It’s not enough to ‘just have’ the profile and sporadically publish 2-3 tweets a week, maybe even less.

The Benefits Of Active Social Media Profiles For Your Business

There are lots of perks that social media can generate for your business. The key benefits include (but not limited to):

Better Rankings

With social and search merging having an active social presence online is now essential as it’s believed social signals can help to improve your rankings. Searchmetrics’ study found that the higher the number of social signals you gain from the below networks the better the position of your website in SERPs:

  • Google +1
  • Facebook Shares
  • Facebook Comments
  • Facebook Likes
  • Facebook Total
  • Pinterest
  • Tweets

Therefore, creating and maintaining a strong profile could be hugely beneficial for your site’s visibility.

Brand Awareness

Social media offers your business a perfect way to be seen by your target audience’s eyes and build awareness around your brand/company. Remember that regular posts about the latest company, as well as industry, news will help your business be seen as an authority within the industry.

That’s not all…Social Media can increase more than awareness. A perfect example is Saatchi Art which showcases the latest work on their very visual Tumblr account;

Saatchi Art - Tumblr example

So people who like art and scrolling through pretty images might be also potential customers who are willing to purchase.

More Traffic

New and regular high-quality content will help you keep your business/brand in mind and in front of the eyes of your current as well as potential customers. Your Social Media accounts are perfect for increasing the amount of times existing and potential clients are exposed to your company which in turn will have a positive impact on your website traffic.

According to Social Media Examiner study, 75% of marketers stated increased traffic as second best benefit they managed to gain from Social Media marketing.

However, don’t be a spammer and post only links to your website; make sure that 80% of the Tweets, Facebook updates, LinkedIn posts, etc are relevant to your industry and target customers and only 20% is about self-promotion.

Increase in conversions

With more people coming to your website from Social media there is a higher chance that also your conversion rates will be higher. Plus you can use your Social Media accounts to spread exclusive offers and discounts. Come up with an attractive offer and pair it with a strong call-to-action and you’re half way through to higher conversion rates. However, ensure that your customers feel that there’s value in clicking on your offers/ads/posts, and avoid making them feel that they’re being sold to.

If you’re sceptical about the effect of Social Media on sales, a latest study suggests that 77% B2C and 43% B2B companies have acquired clients from Facebook.(Source: HubSpot)

What Does Effective Social Media Management Look Like?

To reap all of the above mentioned benefits, and more, you must invest time and smart work. The five core activities of effective Social Media management that drives results include;

  • Regular Social Media plan creation – this can be done on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis
  • Regular analysis of Social Media activities, their successes/failure and performance against set goals
  • Daily updates across all Social networks
  • Daily customer service – Responding to user’s messages, comments and posts as soon as you can
  • Daily engagement with the community
  • Regular Brainstorming to find new ideas, content and create offers

Examples of effective Social Media marketing

Are you a one-man band?

Yes, you can still gain perks and increase your customer base with the help of the Social media world. If you don’t believe me, take a look at Michael Sinking’s twitter account;

Michael Sinking - Twitter Profile

Michael is a dentist based in New York who spends the time on Twitter to engage with his current as well as potential clients.

He offers his professional expertise for free which in turn helps drive traffic. He uses very interesting articles to post on his Twitter;

Michale Sinking - Twitter Example

Do you operate in a very niche market?

Yes, you can still use Social Media to your benefit. Take a look at Mendez Fuel, a mobile gas station in Miami with over

How do they do it? They manage their profiles on a daily basis, post interesting updates and share mostly visual content from their gas station shop including photos of their latest products.

Mendez Fuel - Effective Instagraming - Example

Useful Tools

You can find a lot of examples of small and big business who use their Social Media profiles to their advantage. It’s about testing and finding what works best for you and your target audience. I’ve listed a couple of great tools which will help you start. However, remember that these tools won’t do the job for you – you will need to take care of your Social Media activity on a daily basis.

HootSuite and Buffer are great Social Media management platforms which let you monitor and schedule posts across multiple social media accounts including Google+, Facebook, Twitter

  • Simply Measured offers great free reports you can use to analyse your Social Media activity. These reports will help you analyse the effects and give you useful insights so you can improve your Social Media. I’ve tested them myself; they’re really useful and provide comprehensive reports that will save you time and provide you with actionable insights in no time. Plus you can save them as Excel spreadsheets!

The below content curation sites will help you find interesting content relevant to your industry:

Do you take care of your Social profiles on a regular basis? Do you have time and dedicated internal staff to manage your Social Media?

If you have, then good. But, if you don’t then you could be missing out on the benefits I mentioned above. Here at Koozai, we provide our clients with effective Social Media management which can help you reap the benefits that Social Media has on offer. If you have any questions please get in touch – we will be more than happy to help.
Image Credits

World social media network from BigStock


  1. […] often you should post and when, but if the agency updates their profiles only once or twice a week that’s never a good sign. If they’re neglecting their own accounts, which should be the basis of their business and a kind […]

  2. Rani Kumari avatar

    wow very nice..post…thanks

  3. […] to Koozai it is vital to update your Facebook page regularly, updating your Facebook page often will improve […]

  4. […] what the page is about. There is also many benefits to having an active social media, according to Koozai being active on social media will increase your rankings on serps. Also being active with your […]

  5. […] in and day out just like their training. They are often required through their contracts to provide constant updates of their daily routine through social media. This invites people to criticise their every move. Too […]

  6. […] know you are the one behind the social media profiles. Note, this doesn’t mean that you have to update your social profiles yourself. You just need to make sure that each public sector of your company has the same feel and […]

  7. […] want to stay active and relevant in this game, you needs to step your online game up. Even though being active on social media is really important these days, if you truly want to dominate your niche online – you need to create a great, […]

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  10. […] Research shows that “80% of tweets, Facebook updates, LinkedIn posts, etc. are relevant to your industry and target customers and only 20% is about self-promotion.” This means that you are going to be using photos, videos, and other digital files from the internet or sources other than your own website, when you retweet or share updates. Herein lies the danger of copyright infringement. […]

  11. […] course, a big part of SEO is keeping your social profiles up to date. When you first began life as a business owner, you probably started on Twitter. You might have […]

  12. […] An active social media profile drives more traffic (and therefore, sales). To have an active channel, you need to post and engage regularly. And to post regularly, you will have to spend a lot of time on social media. […]

  13. […] Istvanova, L. (2014) ‘The importance of keeping your social media profiles active’. Koozai Intelligent Digital Marketing. [Online] [Accessed on 22nd January 2015]  https://www.koozai.com//search-marketing/important-business-keep-social-media-profiles-active/ […]

  14. […] The Importance Of Keeping Your Social Media Profiles Active […]

  15. […] The Importance Of Keeping Your Social Media Profiles Active, https://www.koozai.com […]

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