SEO Competitor Analysis

An SEO Guide for the Construction Industry

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What You’ll Learn

If you want to learn more about digital marketing specifically for your construction or home improvement business. Look no further, you have found it!

  • An explanation of SEO and why it’s important to your construction business
  • Technical SEO tips
  • On-page optimisation advice and guidance
  • What tactics to avoid to ensure longevity for your site

In this whitepaper we will be looking at the Search Engine Optimisation best practices to help you promote your construction business online.

The main purpose of a search engine is to provide the searcher with the most relevant information relating to their search query. The authority of the results is also a big factor. Search engines decide the authority and relevance of the web pages they rank by calculating a score based on hundreds of ranking factors within their ever-changing algorithm.

Knowing that there are hundreds of factors is pretty much all the information Google is prepared to release (there are helpful documents but they certainly won’t be giving you all the factors); However, there are a number of best practices (that Google is very open about) that all websites should have in place to ensure your site can be crawled and understood.

This will give you a better chance of your website ranking for your desired terms. This whitepaper will help get you started and ensure that you are on the right track with the SEO on your site.

What Are You Waiting For?

If you’re looking to learn more about how you should be using SEO better within your construction business or to confirm that you have all your bases covered, request our free SEO guide for the Construction Industry whitepaper today. It is packed full of help, advice, and walkthroughs to ensure that your business is getting it right and avoiding potential pitfalls.