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Sophie Roberts

The Do’s and Dont’s of Seasonal Content Creation

10th Jul 2020 Content Marketing Blog, SEO Blog 3 minutes to read

When it comes to creating a successful seasonal content strategy, there are several common traps that brands and businesses can fall into.

But if used correctly, seasonality can be an all-important tool in a Content Marketer’s vast arsenal of content-creation weaponry.

So, instead of creating cringeworthy content littered with tenuous seasonal links that are greeted with a frosty reception: opt for seasonal pieces that work.

Seasonal Content: The Positives

There are countless reasons why – if well thought out and implemented as part of a considered strategy – seasonal content can work wonders:

Come rain or shine, if executed in the right way, seasons can be used to create cracking content tied in with what’s happening in the world.

Seasonal Content: Potential Pitfalls

On the flipside, there are also traps that brands and businesses risk falling into. Ensure your seasonal content isn’t a washout by addressing the following:

Avoid Shoehorning

It’s a common trap to cram in seasonal tie-ins to otherwise uninspiring pieces, in the hope that these tenuous seasonal links will propel a particular piece to viral stardom.

Whilst it may seem like you’re creating something innovative and different, seasonal content can at times appear to be littered with links and references which struggle to add value to the piece.

Seasonal content can sometimes be guilty of shoehorning metaphors or seasonal clichés into the overall message. So, avoid these and fit your content more closely to a given season or holiday.

Embrace A Different Approach

Avoid thinking about a holiday or season and then attempting to fit content around it. Instead, flip it on its head and embrace the following approach:

Focus on your brand, products, or services and how your offering or service naturally fits into the season

Source real connections which are genuine and authentic

Deliver relevant and helpful content

Ticking these boxes will ensure you avoid weak links and focus your approach on producing genuine content with real connections to the seasons.

Don’t Lose Your Audience

Try and stay clear of titles such as “why a brand is almost like a snowman”, or “countdown to Christmas with our products”. These posts will struggle to engage your audience and draw them in. The last thing you want to do is churn out content that lacks originality.

With a shift in mindset towards naturally fitting a season into the brand’s content marketing strategy, you will produce richer content with more genuine value.

This technique will be more trusted, and your content will be seen as more authentic by your target audience too.

Time Is Of The Essence

When it comes to seasonal-based content, timing is also important.

Knowing when to publish content can be a tricky balancing act. You need to maximise interest and visibility by publishing content just before the height of the seasonal spike, whilst carefully ensuring you’re not too premature in your efforts.

It’s crucial to get your timing spot on by keeping a close eye on trends – mistime this and you could miss the boat.

The Power Of Seasonal Content

If delivered in the right way, seasonal content unlocks an exciting door to deliver relevant, on point, and amusing content that will resonate with your audience.

By using the correct techniques, seasonal content will also be remembered for all the right reasons.

Impress your audience with jaw-dropping seasonal content that works.

If you would like to find out more about different content marketing strategies, content types, and techniques, speak to Koozai today.

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