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Lucy Griffiths

Help! My Web Designer Has Suddenly Turned Into an SEO Expert…

14th May 2008 SEO Blog 1 minute to read

It’s amazing with an industry such as Search Engine Marketing how many people know a lot about it but, for whatever reason, fail to implement the basics, even on their own site.

Just as interesting is how many web designers, in fact anyone who’s job involves using computers, seem to have gained an inside knowledge into the finer points of search engine optimisation or building effective pay per click campaigns without needing to do any form of study.

In his recent article, Don’t Hire a Butcher to do a Baker’s Job, Mark Jackson, has written an excellent piece explaining why you really shouldn’t trust your site’s search marketing success to someone who just happens to “know a bit”.

Before you let your web designer, IT support technician or Milkman loose on your site, check their credentials. Get evidence of success. Case studies? Testimonials? Anything!

Of course, I’m going to suggest that if you’re a UK business you at least have a chat with us but, whatever you do, don’t just leave your site’s search marketing to chance. Getting it wrong could leave you more than just a bit disappointed; you could find yourself worse off than if you did nothing at all!

Experts tend tend to earn that title in whatever field they may be in. They spend time studying, researching and implementing new ideas; they dedicate time and effort into achieving expert status.

There’s a good reason why we don’t dabble in web design; that being that we’re rubbish at it. Some might ask ‘where’s your diversity?’ Well with respect, we, like so many others, believe it is better to master your own art before trying to expand into new ones.

SEO isn’t out of reach for anyone, the information needed to optimise a website is widely available. However, the same is also true of molecular biology. You need to take time to really get to know the subject, understand the intricacies and avoid the pitfalls. Showing a passing interest and claiming expertise is hopeful at best.

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