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Lucy Griffiths

Improve Your Landing Page Quality Score, Save Money!

4th Dec 2008 PPC Blog, Google AdWords 1 minute to read

If you’re a Google AdWords advertiser, you’ve no doubt been affected in some way by Google’s Quality Score. This is the system within AdWords that rates a keyword “great”, “OK” or “poor”.

It is calculated using your keyword’s Click through Rate, the relevance of your ad copy and your landing page, i.e. the page that a searcher is taken to when clicking on one of your adverts.

What you may not appreciate is that having a poor quality score can cost you more than just pride. Those AdWords advertisers who create highly targeted campaigns benefit not only by higher conversion rates but they will also typically pay less for the click in the first place.

If you’re running your own AdWords campaign and it is littered with keywords flagged as “poor” it really is in your best interest to try and remedy the situation. This could mean deleting the keyword if you conclude that it is not appropriate or redesigning your landing page (or creating a new one) to improve the relevancy.

Google’s quality scoring system isn’t perfect and can sometimes leave even experienced AdWords users scratching their heads but to ignore it and do knowing is sure to end up costing you.

For more on this, watch Google’s introductory video on Quality Scores:

Google AdWords Quality Score Video

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