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Stephen Logan

Why is my PPC Campaign not Converting?

10th Sep 2009 PPC Blog 2 minutes to read

Why is my PPC Campaign not Converting?

There can be any number of answers for why a PPC campaign, which gains regular clicks, doesn’t convert into sales. However, first and foremost you need to check the landing page.

A landing page is where a visitor is directed to after clicking on one of your ads. If somebody follows a paid advertisement more often than not they are looking for a specific product or service. Therefore, if the page that they ultimately arrive at has no relevance to their initial search, they’re unlikely to stay and search through the remainder of your site.


So, first and foremost, make sure that each advert in any campaign is pointing to the right page. It sounds simple, but even the slightest URL error could end up costing you lots of money whilst generating no links.

Another issue may be the site itself. If certain adverts have been generating traffic and failing to convert you may want to take a look at the page in question. Are there any obvious mistakes? Is the primary message (be it a product, category or service page) obvious? Is the design up to scratch?

PPC is a highly effective way of generating targeted traffic, but it isn’t a solution for poor copy or design. Campaigns can be targeted and adjusted to increase Click through Rates (CTR) and lower Cost per Click (CPC), but the site still needs to be able to do its job once visitors arrive.

However, sometimes the issue isn’t site related at all; sometimes the issue is simply down to a lack of demand. Many businesses go through seasonal lulls; if there are no customers looking to buy your products online, then it stands to reason that sales will decline. Look out for these trends and be sure to keep an eye on the statistics to see if and when conversions begin to pick up.

You may also want to check with offline customers how they came to use your business. Occasionally people will visit a site and then choose to either visit the company or phone them to enquire about their services. This won’t count as a sale on your conversion tracking software; however, if you ask any enquirers how they found you, it may well turn out that your PPC is in fact bringing in the right traffic.

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