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Anna Lewis

What are the Benefits of Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking?

7th Dec 2011 Analytics 2 minutes to read

If you have a website that sells products this post is here to help you understand the benefits of adding Google Analytics Ecommerce tracking to your site.

Simply put, just adding a small amount of extra code in the back end of your site will allow you to gather data to see which traffic sources have been most profitable. This then enables you to work out your marketing ROI very easily. Who would say no to that kind of data?!

If that’s convinced you already, pass this link over to your web developers so they can implement the code for you. If you’re still unsure, keep reading…

Available Data

The data available to you in Google Analytics Ecommerce reports includes:


When you put it all in one list you can see that there is a lot of data available there. And the best thing about this is that the data can be segmented in all the good analytics ways –


By traffic source so you can see sales data from online marketing, SEO, referral traffic and more, as well as comparing these to see which gives you the best return.

You can segment by user type to find out how valuable your returning visitors are and how much you might benefit from remarketing to them.

Running conversion rate optimisation tests on the site will show you the monetary difference not just the difference in user interaction between your tests.

You could see which landing pages generate the most revenue and see if you can improve their visibility to increase the revenue even further.

You can see how well your target keywords are performing and whether any non target keywords are performing well and would benefit from being optimised.

If your average order value is low you could try an offer with free postage over £50 or similar to try to increase the average order value.

Which product lines sell best from organic traffic compared and which sell well from paid marketing.

By looking at the hour of the day in which most purchases happen you can understand when to put the most support on, or when to send your email marketing.

Segmenting with a funky custom segment will let you see the difference in revenue between one word and four word search terms.

Finally, you can also look at where the data is missing – which keywords, traffic sources, pages etc are not bringing any revenue? Do they need optimisation or do they need to be removed?

With Ecommerce data you can make so much of the numbers if you work out what they mean and what actions will be most beneficial off the back of the results. By knowing where your money comes from you can decide where best to invest and grow your business strategically.

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